The ranch grows roughly 12% of all brussel sprouts consumed in the United States. Hmm, that got me thinking I should try cooking the small vegetables that look like miniature lettuce heads.
Brussel Stacks recipe...
Start by washing 1 lb. small brussel sprouts and removing any dead outside leaves. Cut the ends off and slice each sprout in half.

Pour olive oil into a large skillet over low to medium heat on stove top

Place sprouts flat side down on skillet and cover. Let cook for 15 minutes, or until flat sides are beginning to brown

Meantime, Slice 1 inch thick pieces of crispy loaf bread, such as Dutch bread, and one log of fresh mozzarella cheese

Add desired amount of diced garlic (around 2 tablespoons) and another small splash of olive oil to sprouts, and stir. Let cook for another 3 minutes.

Remove sprouts from skillet. The greens should be tender, and the flat sides a golden brown.

Place slices of bread on a large baking pan. Place 1 slice of cheese onto each slice of bread. Place at least three sprouts ontop of each slice of cheese. Bake in preheated oven at 250 degrees for 12-15 minutes, or until cheese is soft.

The final result should look pretty scrumptious..

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