On my way outside to grab the morning newspaper, I found a friend. He, or she, reminded me today is the best day, Earth Day.

For all you hippies out there, and hipsters who now recycle because it's the "in" thing, here's a crunchy, earth loving snack.
Start by mixing 1/4 cup vegetable oil with 3/4 cup honey and stir until even

Mix in 1 tablespoon ground cinnamon and 1 teaspoon vanilla extract

In separate bowl, combine 4 cups rolled oats, 1 cup sunflower seeds, 1 cup chopped walnuts, 1 cup coconut, and 1 cup Craisens

Stir all dry ingredients until even

Pour wet mixture into dry and stir until even. Pour raw granola onto greased baking pan and place in preheated oven at 300 degrees for 30 minutes. Remove every 10 minutes and stir granola.

Remove baked granola from oven and allow to cool. When completely cooled, break into small pieces and place in airtight bags, or because we're trying to stay green - tupperware, for future use. Enjoy!

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