Love can't be put into words, only felt. Or tasted. This dessert is handsome, comforting, and oh so sweet, kind of how I would describe that four letter head-over-heels word.
Start by making a boxed strawberry cake mix. You will need the mix, 3 eggs, 1/3 cup vegetable oil, and 1 cup water

Stir until completely smooth

Pour half of mixture into a medium sized cake pan and bake according to box (375 degrees for 20-25 minutes)
While the cake is baking, pull out some fresh strawberries and a sharp knife. Cut the tops off 10-20 (depending on how many servings you plan to make) strawberries, and then cut small V shapes in the tops. Use knife to shape into hearts.

Do not throw small Vs away! Now dice them into small pieces, along with whole strawberries, until you have 2/3 cup diced strawberries. Mix pieces with 1 cup Cool-Whip until even

Once the first cake mixture is done baking, let cool, remove from pan to continue to cool, and bake the second half of mixture

When both cakes are cooled, use small heart shaped cookie cutter to make heart shaped cake pieces

Now, for the stuffing. Place one heart shaped cake piece on plate. Spread 1/2 inch layer of diced strawberry Cool-Whip mixture on top of cake. Place another cake piece on top of this.

Spread remaining Cool-Whip over top and sides of layers. Sprinkle coconut onto whip. Place one heart-shaped strawberry on top of layers.

Grab a fork, a cute boy or girl to cuddle with, and eat these love stuffed treats until you're so googley eyed you can't stand

Speaking of love, take a peek at a video for one of my favorite love songs of all times
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